Cartoon drawings

Cartoon drawings I typically make these for my own entertainment. Some are a way to deal with the bottomless astonishment that results when confronted with group behaviour, in particular by those who consider themselves hip, cool and avant-garde.  Others are cultural observations, such as the one that shows how, in the last decades, the electric …

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Jayhiker Jayhiker animation This is another idea that has been biding its time in the back of my head for a long time: since about the time I walked the Wainwright’s Coast-to-Coast Walk, from St. Bees to Robin Hood’s Bay in the UK. It was partly inspired by one of Jan van Haasteren‘s drawings on the …

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Saatchie & Saatchie Art The Damiel Hearse Gas Mask Clock The idea to make this animation arose because two things that happened shortly after one another: the first reading about the British conceptual artist Damien Hirst and his being sponsored by the advertisement agency Saatchi & Saatchi, the second was in a meeting where someone was bragging (wholly …

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Passion Procedure: Close Encounters of the Medical Kind

klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie Doctor Harrington F. Tracy straightened his square shoulders and let the glance of his steel-blue eyes play like a searchlight over the group of nurses who had been gossiping like a charm of magpies, but were now huddled in bashful silence around a surgical utensil-trolley. “Come on … we …

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